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How to Ensure That Designs Are Accessible to All Users

Siddhant Gandotra
- 3 mins read

When we design with accessibility in mind, we ensure that a wide range of people can understand and interact with the design. It’s like opening the door to inclusivity and fairness.

Today, digital interfaces and products play an increasingly integral role, making accessibility a big part of our daily lives. Accessible design goes beyond just helping people with disabilities. It understands that people use various devices, screen sizes, and internet connections to access digital content. So, it aims to ensure everyone can access the digital world easily.

That’s where design accessibility comes in. It’s not just an idea; it’s a responsibility to ensure that everyone can use and benefit from the things we design, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

This article delves into the fundamental principles and practical strategies to create products and interfaces that truly work for everyone.

What is Web Accessibility?

What is Web Accessibility

Web accessibility means designing websites, applications, and other online content that becomes super easy to access. It helps even people with disabilities to navigate and understand the information. This practice aims to remove all sorts of barriers that restrict people from accessing information.

Now, web accessibility does not just focus on one aspect. It is a big umbrella that encompasses a wide range of disabilities, including impairments, hearing impairments, mobility impairments, cognitive disabilities, and more.

It doesn’t stop there! It also considers various devices and assistive technologies that people might use online. It includes screen readers, speech recognition software, keyboard navigation, and alternative input devices.

Why Does Design Accessibility Matter?

Why Does Design Accessibility Matter?

Inclusion and Equal Access

Without accessible websites, individuals with disabilities might face barriers that prevent them from fully participating in various aspects of life. Therefore, accessible designs meet ethical standards and widen websites’ potential audience and customer base.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Web accessibility is not just a good practice; it’s often a legal requirement. Many countries have enacted accessibility laws and regulations that mandate businesses and organizations to ensure their digital content is accessible to all. Non-compliance can lead to legal actions and fines.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search engines strive to provide users with the most relevant and valuable results, including accessible websites. When websites are designed with design accessibility in mind, they tend to have cleaner code, faster load times, and better organization, all of which positively impact search engine rankings.

The Impact of Inaccessible Designs

The Impact of Inaccessible Designs

Low SEO Ranking

Elements like missing or improperly formatted headings, lack of alt text for images, and poor site structure can affect how search engines interpret and rank content. As a result, such websites get buried in search engine results pages (SERPs), limiting their online reach potential.

Loss of Business Opportunities

Many consumers rely on digital platforms for information, shopping, and engagement. When a website is inaccessible, individuals with disabilities cannot engage with its content or services. This exclusion limits a business’s potential customer base, closing doors for business opportunities.

Negative Brand Image

When users encounter difficulties navigating a website due to poor accessibility, frustration and dissatisfaction follow. These negative experiences can tarnish a brand’s reputation and erode customer trust.

Key Principles of Design Accessibility

Key Principles of Design Accessibility

Consistent Navigation and Layout

Accessibility starts with a clear and consistent structure. Users must be able to navigate through the website or application seamlessly. Consistent placement of navigation menus, headings, and important content elements helps users predict where they’ll find the information they’re seeking.


The code and design elements should be robust enough to correctly interpret across web browsers, devices, and assistive technologies. This ensures that the design remains functional and usable for all users, regardless of the technology they use to access the content.

Readable Fonts and Text Sizes

Fonts should be selected with legibility, avoiding overly stylized or decorative fonts that might be difficult for some users to decipher. The text should also be adjustable, allowing users to increase font sizes without losing content or functionality.

Alternative Text

Alternative text, or alt text, describes images for users who cannot see them. Meaningful alt text provides context and information about images, making the content more accessible to screen readers and allowing users to understand it effectively.

Keyboard Accessibility

Not all users can use a mouse or a touch screen to navigate. Designing with keyboard accessibility ensures users can interact with the content using keyboard inputs or assistive devices like speech recognition software. All interactive elements like buttons and links should be operable and navigable using the keyboard alone.

Practical Tips for Creating Accessible Designs

Practical Tips for Creating Accessible Designs

Avoid Over reliance on Colors

Use alternative methods to convey information, such as text labels, patterns, or icons, in addition to color. Make sure that color choices have sufficient contrast for readability.

Adequate Text-Background Contrast

Follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for contrast ratios. Ensure that text remains legible when viewed in various lighting conditions and on different devices.

Simplify Website Navigation

Use logical heading structures (e.g., h1, h2, h3) to organize content and provide screen reader users with a structured reading experience. Implement skip navigation links to allow users to bypass repetitive content and jump to main sections.

Mindful Multimedia Inclusion

Multimedia elements, such as images and videos, should be designed with accessibility. Ensure that multimedia controls are keyboard accessible and provide a way to pause, play, and adjust volume using a keyboard.
Assistive Technologies and Compatibility

User Testing and Feedback

The pursuit of accessible designs is continuous. Test your ideas with assistive technologies like speech recognition software, screen readers, and alternate input methods. It is essential to include people with various skills and disabilities at every stage of the ux design process.

An active collaboration with the specialists will further enhance the outcome through qualitative and quantitative insights. Remember always to record all user testing sessions, including any problems, difficulties, and compliments.

The Role of Developers and Designers

The Role of Developers and Designers

Developers and designers play a crucial role in ensuring design accessibility for users. Creating a sound digital experience can be a matter of concern without them.

Clear and Consistent UI/UX

Imagine visiting a website or using an app where every click feels like stepping into a new world. Confusing, right? Designers and developers join forces to build a UI/UX that speaks a consistent language. This means that buttons, icons, fonts, and colors harmonise throughout the interface.

Responsive Design

Responsive design employs fluid grids, media queries, and touch-friendly interfaces to provide users with a consistent and enjoyable experience. It ultimately enhances user satisfaction and expands a website or app’s reach across various platforms.

Testing and Debugging

Designers and developers work hand in hand to conduct rigorous testing and debugging processes to identify and rectify any issues that may hinder accessibility. They evaluate the product’s compatibility with assistive technologies like screen readers and keyboard navigation.


Web accessibility matters for several reasons. It promotes inclusion and equal access, ensuring that individuals with disabilities can fully participate in various aspects of life. It also complies with legal requirements and enhances search engine optimization, positively impacting a website’s reach and reputation.

Inaccessible designs, on the other hand, can lead to low SEO rankings, missed business opportunities, and a negative brand image. They limit a website’s potential audience and risk legal repercussions in many jurisdictions.

As we move forward, the future of web accessibility will likely become even more advanced. With technological developments and a growing awareness of accessibility issues, the industries will likely prioritize inclusivity, making the web more welcoming for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is accessible design in UX?

Ans: Accessible design in UX is a process of creating digital products, interfaces, and content so that all individuals can interact and benefit from the designs. This process mainly considers their unique needs, including those with visual, auditory, motor, cognitive, and other.

Why is web accessibility important?

Ans: Web accessibility ensures that websites and digital platforms are usable by everyone, regardless of their abilities. It promotes inclusivity and equal access to information. Therefore, individuals with some disability can also fully participate in the online world.

What are the consequences of inaccessible designs?

Ans: Inaccessible designs result in low business opportunities and less user engagement. Also, it is a compulsion now to have accessible designs. Failing to do so can even lead to legal action or compliance issues.

How can I optimize color contrast in my designs?

Ans: To improve color contrast:
Check the contrast ratio between the text and background colors using color contrast checkers.
A minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1 for regular text and 3:1 for large text is advised by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
To ensure readability, test your designs under various lighting situations.

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